Small Arms Trainer Course Proof of Principle

The Small Arms Training Academy (SATA) at Fort McCoy is conducting a Proof of Principle class for small arms training coursework on 16 to 29 June. The class still has slots available and any Army Reserve unit with one or two Soldiers that would fit the role of a small arms trainer has time to apply.

A Unit Weapons Subject Matter Expert is proficient in all current small arms, optics, and accessories and can conduct Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction and Evaluation on all weapons systems, has a thorough understanding of maintenance, can conduct training, ranges, and qualifications in accordance with the current, prescribed Training Circulars, and assists the Commander with developing a solid year-round training calendar.

“Gunnery is an on-demand skill, there is no time for practice in combat,” said Master Sgt. Howard W. Griffith. “In addition to being the Course Manager for SATA, I am the Task Force Cold Steel Standardization NCOIC. Our mission is to train Unit Subject Matter Experts on weapons and optics.”

For information, download the following files:

Registration Form
SATC Welcome Letter and Packing List

Contact the Task Force Cold Steel S3 at 608-388-4645 or email for additional information.

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